
始终牢记创业成功是小概率事件 每个团队对于创业成功的阶段性定义都不一样。对于我,我把第一阶段创业成功定义为公司存活三年以上,并且至少有一个成熟...

February 20, 2023 · 3 min · 1099 words · Bright Pan


今天教一个做运营的朋友学习SQL。使用ChatGPT创建了一张练习用的表,并让其随机生成了一些测试数据。真的是用于编程教学和查资料的利器。 记...

February 13, 2023 · 3 min · 1472 words · Bright Pan

Mysql数据类型 Mysql Data Types

MySQL 8.0中主要有三类常用数据类型,分别是数值类型(Numeric Data Types),日期和时间类型(Data and Time Data Types),字符类型(Str...

February 3, 2023 · 3 min · 1020 words · Bright Pan

California Gold Rush | The Forty Niners | Podcast Transcription

podcast link Imagine it’s April 1849, you are a tailor from upstate New York, but after a five week journey, you and your cousin arrived in St. Louis just yesterday. It’s a stop on your way to the gold fields of California, and hopefully to riches. While your cousin is buying some supplies you’ll need at a nearby store,...

January 22, 2023 · 2 min · 887 words · Bright Pan

Ukrainian Officials killed In Helicopter Crash | Podcast Transcription

Released On:18 Jan 2023 podcast link This is the Global News Podcast from the BBC World Service. Hello, I am Oliver Conway. We are recording this 14 hours GMT on Wednesday, 18 of January. More than a dozen people including the Ukrainian Interior Minister have died in a helicopter crash outside Kyiv. The Nobel prize winning Filipino journalist Maria Ressa has been cleared of tax evasion in a ruling hailed as a victory for freedom of expression....

January 19, 2023 · 1 min · 125 words · Bright Pan

California Gold Rush | The First Strike | Podcast Transcription

podcast link Imagine it’s January 1848, you are a construction worker building a timber mill in the western foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains in California. Large pine trees surround you on all sides. It’s a bright winter day but cold. You can smell fried sausages nearby, as the cook prepares lunch. Your team is digging a canal to divert water from a local river to power this new mill and it’s nearly complete....

January 19, 2023 · 1 min · 81 words · Bright Pan


22年,仅读了3本书,都是在11月彻底结束近四年创业项目后,才匆忙读的。 一、IT科技类 1.《区块链技术及应用》,华为区块链技术开发团队,★★...

January 14, 2023 · 2 min · 698 words · Bright Pan


21年,居然仅读了3本书,读书数量远低于之前年度平均数,实在惭愧。 其中IT科技类1本,运动生活类1本,人文地理类1本。 一、IT科技类(1) 《...

January 1, 2022 · 1 min · 127 words · Bright Pan


20年,读书11本。 其中人文政史类8本,IT科技类3本。 一、人文政史类(8) 《Lee Kuan Yew》 《America history》 《人类简史》 《...

January 1, 2021 · 1 min · 173 words · Bright Pan


一、前言 作为互联网行业产品、技术、运营三大主力职业之一的产品经理,从不同角度业内有不同的称谓。比如按照业态,可分为电商产品经理、金融产品经理...

August 23, 2020 · 8 min · 3660 words · Bright Pan